Akane Robinson Education Consulting

Empower Yourself with Information

現在お子様をインターナショナルスクール(以下、「インター」と称する)に通わせている方、または将来的にインター進学をお考えの方を中心に海外の大学進学やインター教育全般のコンサルティングをご提供しております。又、高校生(Freshman year)以上のお子様は、直接ご本人とのコンサルティングも可能です。

I provide coaching and college counseling for students starting their freshman year. I also provide general education consulting focusing on international schools in Japan. Parents are encouraged to sit in so that they can understand the college application process. 

IB/APクラスの説明・選択方 (Selecting IB/AP classes)

高等学校で学習する教科、科目は将来大学で専攻するメジャーと繋がっています。 IBやAPクラスの仕組み、選択方法をご説明いたします。

海外大学進学方・国内大学進学方 (Applying overseas vs. domestic)


GPA/SAT/IBスコア分析 (Analysis of GPA/SAT/IB Score)


インターのプラス・マイナス点 (Pros and Cons of International schools)


国際部がある日本の学校(Japanese schools with returnee programs)


願書の書き方・課外活動の強化法 (Essay & Extracurricular Strengthening)

米国、英国、国際プログラムのある日本の大学において、願書の書き方は全て異なります。それぞれの国に適した願書の書き方をご紹介いたします。 また、課外活動の選択方法も希望する大学によって異なっており、その戦略法をご提案いたします。

Profile image

My name is Akane, and I’m an international school graduate (American School in Japan). After graduating high school, I studied in both coasts of America: Boston and California. I have a BA and MA in Psychology and a certificate in College Counseling from UCLA. I have experience working in both an international school as well as a Japanese school with a returnee program. As a first generation college student, my parents couldn't help me with the college application process, and I felt I really lacked the information I needed to make the best choices for myself. I decided to start this service because I want to help parents like mine, and support students in order for them to achieve their goals. With more information, we can feel empowered to make the right choice. I look forward to working with you!

Life Coach Certificate, CCI (2023)
Access Bars Practitioner (2022)
Hypnotherapist Certificate, IAHP (2022)
Mindfulness Certificate, New Skills Academy (2021)
College Counseling Certificate, University of California, Los Angeles Extension (2018)
Mental Care Specialist Certificate, Mental Care Society in Japan (2017)

事前に聞きたい事をご記入ください。追ってご連絡致します。 Please let me know what you would like to discuss during our meeting. I will contact you shortly!